October 2024 @ St. Luke's

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  • October Dates

    • October 3rd - Grief Group
    • October 3rd - Soulful Parenting Popup at Broad Street
    • October 6th - Rise Against Hunger at Pearson Baptist Church in Pearl
    • October 8th - Women in Faith Meeting
    • October 10th - Soulful Parenting Popup at Sal & Mookies
    • October 13th - Acolyte Training & Fellowship (11:45 - 12:30)
    • October 14th - Church & Preschool will be closed for Columbus Day
    • October 17th - Grief Group
    • October 17th - Soulful Parenting Popup at Broad Street
    • October 23rd - Serve at Grace Place
    • October 23rd - Wednesday Nights @ St. Luke's resume
    • October 24th - Soulful Parenting Popup at Sal & Mookies
    • October 26th - Prayer Vigil
    • October 27th - Children & Youth Celebration
    • October 27th - Trunk or Treat
    • October 31st - Grief Group
  • A note from Bruce from 6/27/2024:

    I issued a challenge to everyone at worship this past Sunday. As I preached on Spiritual Gifts, I invited everyone to take a spiritual gifts survey and identity their three spiritual gifts. It's so important to know what your gifts are for a couple of reasons. If you're in tune to the gifts you have, you can more easily make decisions about where your gifts are needed in the church and in the world. But just as importantly, you know where you are NOT gifted, thereby reducing your chances to saying "yes" to something outside your gift-set.  That's so important! We all have experienced what happens when we say yes to projects where there's not a good fit:  burn-out, cynicism, exhaustion. DON'T LET THAT BE YOU!  

    Below, you'll see an assessment that you can take. It takes about 15 minutes. I took mine today and came up with my three gifts: Evangelism, Teaching, and Exhortation (Encouragement). It's a lot of fun! Would you take this step in identifying your spiritual gifts? Also, there's a place where you can share your three gifts so that we can keep that in mind when we see opportunities for you to use them. Wouldn't it be amazing if a hundred people at St Luke's took the assessment and shared what their gifts are? That would be revealing.  It might even shape our mission and life at St Luke's.  

    So, what are you waiting for? Thanks for taking the time. I look forward to seeing where we are gifted at St. Luke's!


    Complete your Spiritual Gifts Inventory HERE

    Submit your results HERE

  • The United Methodist Committee on Relief U.S. Disaster Response (UMCOR) seeks to alleviate suffering caused by disasters that strike within the United States and its territories. In partnership with disaster response ministries and coordinators in U.S. annual conferences, UMCOR journeys with affected communities throughout a disaster’s cycle, including disaster preparedness, relief, response, recovery, and mitigation. Please join us in prayer for the disaster affected areas and consider giving to UMCOR U.S. Disaster Response to support these efforts. You may give by check or on the church website donate page. Thank you.

  • Proverbs 22:9 (NRSV)

    Those who are generous are blessed,

        for they share their bread with the poor.

    St. Luke’s provides snack bags for the homeless during office hours, Monday – Friday. Many times each week, we answer the door to someone who is in need of something to eat. There is a small group of people within the church who help us keep the supplies ready to use but we often run low. Please consider dropping off any of the items listed below. There is a basket located in the Gathering area and you can drop off on Sunday mornings or anytime that is convenient for you.  Thank you.


    Snack Bag List

    • Tuna salad & cracker packs
    • Deviled ham
    • Granola or cereal bars
    • Protein bars
    • Pop tarts
    • Cheese or peanut butter crackers
    • Small bags of chips
    • Dried fruit or raisins
    • Nuts/trail mix
    • Vienna sausage/Beef jerky/Slim Jims
    • Fruit cups
    • Gum
    • Candy
  • Youth Group meets on Sunday mornings from 9:30 - 10:15 in the Rec Building.

  • Our Children's Ministry team is starting fresh in 2024 with The Connection! The Connection is a time for children ages 3 to 6 to play and fellowship on Sunday mornings. No structured lessons - just play! The Connection will immediately follow Children's Moment. The Children's Ministry team will send our volunteers detailed instructions to the email provided on the sign up. The Children's Ministry team needs you! Please consider volunteering a few Sunday mornings in 2024 to provide a safe space where our children can play and make as many joyful noises as they desire. Click the link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080444ADA82AABF85-46985998-theconnection